ANA and IAPN to issue bulletin to battle coin counterfeiting

February 4, 2000 By ekr

ANA and IAPN to issue bulletin to battle coin counterfeiting 
In a joint effort to further reduce counterfeiting of collector coins- both ancient and modern- the American Numismatic Association (ANA) and the International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN) plan to issue the Counterfeit Coin Bulletin.

Each installment will include a minimum of eight reports on counterfeit and altered coins, plus an informative feature about authentication. The ANA will provide information on United States coins and the IAPN will coordinate material on world and ancient coins. To be published three times a year, the bulletins will be produced by the ANA Publications Department.

“For many years, both the ANA and IAPN have worked independently to eliminate coin counterfeiting through their respective publications and educational programs,” says ANA Executive Director Edward C. Rochette. “In this collaborative effort, experts from both organizations will work together to produce a series of bulletins to help all numismatists- collectors, scholars, researches and dealers- learn about dangerous fakes, avoid costly mistakes, and ensure the integrity of their personal collections, museum cabinets and dealer inventories.”

Founded in 1891, the ANA is the world’s largest educational organization for collectors of coins, paper money, tokens and medals. As a part of its world-class Money Museum, the Association operates the ANA Authentication Bureau (ANAAAB), which offers independent, unbiased, professional opinions about the attribution and authenticity of the United States and world numismatic material. ANAAB maintains a database of more than 2 million photographs and thousands of specimens of counterfeit coins, tokens and medals from around the world. ANAAB also works closely with law enforcement agencies and the U.S. Secret Service.

The IAPN was founded more than 50 years ago by numismatic firms in an effort to foster healthy, prosperous trade and high business standards. Applicants must have three member sponsors and undergo a rigorous application process. As a condition of membership, IAPN members guarantee the authenticity of all the coins and medals they sell. Its International Bureau for the Suppression of Counterfeit Coins maintains close links with world mints, police forces, museums, collectors and dealers.

The loose-leaf, 5 7/8 by 8 1/4 inch reports are self-indexing, and the subscription includes a handy, three-ring binder and tabbed dividers to facilitate organization.

A one-year subscription to the ANA/IAPN Counterfeit Coin Bulletin is $60 for ANA members residing in the United States and $75 for members residing outside the U.S. (Non-member subscription fees are $100 U.S. and $115 non-U.S.)

The tentative publishing issue calls for the first issue to appear in March 2000, with the second issue in June and the their in October. 

To order, contact Counterfeit Coin Bulletin, 818 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Co. 80903-3279; telephone: 719-634-4085; fax: 719-634-4085; email Non-U.S. subscriptions must be accompanied by U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. 

Originally Release Date: February 4, 2000
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872
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