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B2 = Butcher, K. and M. Ponting 2014. The Metallurgy of Roman Silver Coinage. From the Reform of Nero to the Reform of Trajan. London.

B3= Calomino, D. 2016. Defacing the Past. Damnation and Desecration in Imperial Rome. London. 

B4= Crawford, M. H. 1974. Roman Republican Coinage. London.

B5 = Hellings, B. D. R. 2018. “Quantifying relative aureus production during the mid-first century in light of coin finds from the northwest,” in Revue belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie 164, 382-425.

B6 = Hellings, B. D. R. 2022. “Coin supply and longevity of circulation: three case studies from hoards in north-west Europe,” inOxford Studies on the Roman Economy: Coin Hoards and Hoarding in the Roman World. Eds. J. Mairat, A. Wilson and C. Howgego. Oxford, 282-293.

B7 = Mattingly, H. 1936. Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum. Volume 3. Nerva to Hadrian. London.

B8 = Woytek, B. 2010. Die Reichsprägung des Kaisers Traianus (98‒117). Moneta Imperii Romani 14. Vienna.

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