Renewal & Overdue Policies for the ANA Library

Following are the ANA Library renewal policies:

1. Library checkouts may be renewed for a maximum of 2 additional eight week periods. Items may be checked out in this manner for a total of 24 weeks. Renewals may be granted by contacting the Library staff by phone at (719) 482-9859, by email, or in person.
2. Renewals can only be made for items not on hold for another member.
3. Requests for renewals should be received before the original due date.
4. All library returns should be postmarked by the due date.
5. Library returns that are received uninsured by the carrier or not insured as indicated on the postal insurance form provided by the Library will result in a warning being issued. A second failure to insure items will result in a loss of borrowing privileges for one year from original due date. Replacement charges for items damaged or lost in shipment that are not insured by the borrower will be the responsibility of the borrower. The borrower will lose borrowing privileges until the charges are paid.
6. If library returns are received without outgoing postage and insurance reimbursement fees enclosed, the borrower will be sent an invoice for postage/insurance due. The borrower will lose borrowing privileges until charges are paid.
7. Library patrons are responsible for knowing when their materials are due regardless if a notice was sent. If you have questions with regard to the due date for your checked out items, please contact the library at the phone number or email address above.

Following is the late and overdue policies:

1. If materials are not returned or renewed by 7 days after the original due date an automated first reminder notice will be sent via email. A $0.50 per day for each overdue library material ($25.00 maximum fine for each item) will be assessed.
2. If items are returned after the 7 day grace period, patrons can be assessed the full amount of fees from the original due date.
3. If materials are not returned or renewed, a second notice will be sent via email or USPS approximately 14 days after the first notice was mailed. An updated invoice will be included using the fee structure of $0.50 per day for all library items ($25.00 maximum fine for each item.)
4. If materials are not returned or renewed within 30 days after the second notice, a third notice will be sent via USPS mail. This notice will consist of a letter listing the overdue items and a statement detailing the monetary charges owed to the ANA.
5. If materials have not been returned after an additional 30 days, a final notice will be sent USPS Certified Mail, with return receipt. This notice will consist of a letter listing the overdue items and a statement detailing the monetary charges owed to the ANA. If all outstanding materials and fees are not returned and paid within the stated 30 day time period from the receipt of the Certified Letter, charges will include:
a. Charges for the fair market replacement cost of each item.
b. Overdue fees per item ($25.00 per item).
c.  ANA membership will be terminated if the return of Library items and/or payment of outstanding charges are not completed by borrower.
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